Create a release ================ .. highlights:: How to create a release. It is assumed, that all development branches (:file:`feature`) are merged into the :file:`master` branch and the release is created from the :file:`master` branch. The examples will use release *0.15.0* as example. If you are not sure about a step, save your progress in :program:`git`, then execute the step. This way you can check the status with :samp:`git status` and :samp:`git diff {file}` and go back to the last step, if needed, with :samp:`git checkout -- {file}`. #. create a feature branch for finalizing the release (this differs from the mainline model, but I find it easier to work this way) .. code-block:: bash repopath $ git checkout -b feature/release-0.15.0 repopath $ #. update :file:`changelog` and :file:`` The first file is for debian packages, the latter for humans. Maybe in the future there will be a script converting one to the other, but for now redundancy rules. #. check if :file:`` is up-to-date #. check if documentation is up-to-date #. update :file:`refereemanager/src/main/resources/` * version numbers * copyright information #. update version number in :file:`build/build.xml`, as this cannot be done via script #. goto :file:`build` directory .. code-block:: bash repopath $ cd build/ repopath/build $ #. set version and copyright information in all files in directory :file:`refereemanager` via :program:`ant` task .. code-block:: bash repopath/build $ ant setversion Buildfile: repopath/build/build.xml clearLog: setversion: [echo] @version [echo] docversion [echo] copyright [echo] Ready, now create new jar, edit changelog, then call 'sudo ant debinstall' (as root). BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second repopath/build $ #. create new jar #. update :file:`refereemanager/pom.xml` with correct version, check other information #. in :program:`eclipse` right click :file:`pom.xml`, then select :menuselection:`Run As --> Maven build` This calls :program:`maven` with the goals :program:`clean compile package`. If you do not use :program:`eclipse`, call :program:`maven` accordingly. #. copy the generated jar from :file:`refereemanager/target/refereemanager-{version}.jar` to :file:`files/refereemanager.jar` #. remove generated :file:`refereemanager/dependency-reduced-pom.xml` #. remove generated :file:`refereemanager/target/` to get rid of old artifacts for further development #. create :program:`deb` installer files via :program:`ant` task .. important:: At this point :file:`changelog` and :file:`` have to contain the correct release date (and time), as they are used in the generation steps. The task has to be called as *root* in order for *user* and *group* of the files to be correctly set. .. code-block:: bash repopath/build $ sudo ant debinstall Buildfile: repopath/build/build.xml clearLog: debinstall: [copy] Copying 6 files to repopath/build/debian-tmp [gzip] Building: repopath/build/debian-tmp/usr/share/doc/refereemanager/changelog.gz [echo] Ready, now call 'ant createdeb' (not as root). BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second repopath/build $ #. create deb file via :program:`dpkg` and :program:`ant` task .. code-block:: bash repopath/build $ ant createdeb Buildfile: repopath/build/build.xml createdeb: [move] Moving 1 file to repopath/files [echo] Ready, now call 'sudo ant clearTmp' (as root). BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 5 seconds repopath/build $ #. remove temporary files as *root* via :program:`ant` task .. code-block:: bash repopath/build $ sudo ant clearTmp Buildfile: repopath/build/build.xml clearTmp: [delete] Deleting directory repopath/build/debian-tmp [echo] Ready, now call 'ant wininstall'. BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds repopath/build $ #. create :program:`windows` installer via :program:`NSIS` and :program:`ant` task .. code-block:: bash repopath/build $ ant wininstall Buildfile: repopath/build/build.xml clearLog: wininstall: [copy] Copying 1 file to repopath/build/win-tmp installer: nsis:windows: nsis:unix: nsis: [move] Moving 1 file to repopath/files [delete] Deleting directory repopath/build/win-tmp BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second repopath/build $ #. check if all files look good #. merge feature branch to master without fast forward .. code-block:: bash repopath $ git checkout master ... repopath $ git merge --no-ff feature/release-0.15.0 ... repopath $ #. remove feature branch, remote too, if needed .. code-block:: bash repopath $ git branch -d feature/release-0.15.0 ... repopath $ git push origin --delete feature/release-0.15.0 ... repopath $ #. create release branch, tag release .. code-block:: bash repopath $ git checkout -b release/0.15 ... repopath $ git tag -a 0.15.0 ... repopath $ #. push everything if you haven't done so yet .. code-block:: bash repopath $ git push --all ... repopath $ git push --tags ... repopath $ #. upload files to sourceforge -